This ex­cel­lent De­but EP by Liverpool's Sal­low Pil­low eas­i­ly wins me over with its fla­vor of straight and ef­fec­tive, slight­ly surf-in­fused garage punk right in the vein of Black Lips, ear­ly Ty Segall or De­bate Club. You can al­so sense a con­sis­tent Gun Club vibe as well as a cer­tain post punk edge sim­i­lar to Lux­u­ry or scan­di­na­vian acts like Holo­grams and RA. And to make things com­plete, when they roll out some amer­i­cana in­flu­ences like in Wear Out The Rope i can't help but feel pos­i­tive­ly re­mind­ed of Vaguess.