Rarely in re­cent years has a band of its genre carved out and ex­pand­ed up­on their own niche in such a quick and en­dur­ing man­ner, has be­come a sig­nif­i­cant in­flu­ence on seem­ing­ly every cool new garage crew in such a short time span, as every­ones fa­vorite cor­po­rate en­ti­ty from Min­neapo­lis. Seek­ing to ex­pand their cus­tomer base, the Min­neapo­lis Ura­ni­um Club Band has part­nered with a well es­tab­lished brand to bring you their lat­est piece of mer­chan­dise. As we've come to ex­pect of them, it's a thing of beau­ty and el­e­gance, tak­ing you on an un­ex­pect­ed­ly epic jour­ney in two acts and sev­en min­utes that feel - as al­ways - way too short.