Dan Mel­chi­or Band The Right In­fluen­cer
Hea­vy Mo­ther Fri­day Night (Black­out!)
Gee Tee Bad Egg
Teo Wi­se Ami­go
Toi­let Rats Sen­so­ry Over­load
Prin­gue Bicis Ne­ce­si­ta
He­art­beeps Sick In Your Head
The Co­vids Bust To Bits
Muck C.F.B.
Kil­ler The Bar

Obe­dient Black Out and Block
Axed Never Go­in Back
Il­li­te­ra­tes Chip Away
Spe­wed Brain No Sleep
Snoo­per Was­te
Bart and the Brats Fake Bands
An­tea­ter Dai­ly Fan­ta­sy
Pyr Ka­ta Vouli­si Σκάβεις Τον Λάκκο Σου
Op­sec Con­trol­led De­li­very

O.R.C Dis­em­bo­we­led At The Ta­vern
Home Front Re­al Eyes
Ubi­qui­tous Meh! I Iden­ti­fied the Ufo
Emit­ter Smal­ler
Soft Should­er Door (Pass)
Af­forda­ble Re­pay­ments Gills
Was­te Man Ch­an­ges

Dregs Lights Out
The Unknowns De­le­ted
Scam Li­kely Sta­ring at the Sun
Out­ta­con­trol­ler Less Is Mo­re
Hi­nin Dé­jà mort
Li­tovsk Ceri­ses Et Gre­na­des
Be­ta Má­xi­mo. Hor­nos de ladril­lo