Ita­lia 90 Com­pe­ti­ti­on
La­rochs Sea Crea­tures
Bzdet Hu­sa­ria
John (Timestwo) The­me New Bond Ju­ni­or
Nick G Bells
Sta­tic Me­ans Pitch­forks

Pri­son­nier Du Temps Li­on En Ca­ge
Chi­mers Ge­ne­ra­tor
Black But­ton Cor­rec­tion
Tet­nis Bal­li­stics
Kud­zu Dang Me
Zo­ids Ter­ror Vi­si­on

Ne­on Kit­tens Fro­zen Peas
Pro­per­ty Dance Flaw
Dad­gad Fuck You Up
Big Fyg Let­ters From Coo­per
Zhoop RIP
Gor­go­jo nph
Sirk­ka Hy­vä Eh­do­kas
Dead Ci­ty Grey­hound
Si­mu­la­ti­on Bo­dies
Straight Ar­rows Fast Pro­duct

Sau­cer­men Sick
Tricks De­cis­i­ons
Way­ne Pain & The Shit Sta­ins The Zoo
Jeffy & The Sun­ken Heads Barf Cars From Mars
Stran­ge At­trac­tor Ba­by Je­sus Head
Qinqs The Gre­at White Won­der
Ami­noa­cid­club Si­rens & Horns
Li­quids Head Hang Low
Tee Vee Re­pair­man Or­ga­nic Mould
Si­li­co­ne Va­lues By­stan­der Apa­thy