Sei­te A


F.E.I.D.L. Fünf Fin­ger Ra­batt
Bat Math Nobody's
Ba­sic Shapes Wolf in Sheep's Clot­hing
Bob­by Funk I'm a Cat
Rea­li­ty Group Hard Man
Ba­by Ty­ler Needz
CB Ra­dio Gor­ge­ous The De­vil
Vin­ta­ge Crop Ten­si­on
R.M.F.C. Rea­der
No Fix Vicious Cy­cle
Mi­ni Skirt Gi­ve It Up
Pu­blic Eye I Might Go
Si­li­co­ne Va­lues I Ha­te Fa­scist Rock And Roll
Ja­cuz­zi Boys Of­fen­ded
Play­boy Man­ba­by I Wish My Brain Was a Com­pu­ter
To­ny Dork Ton­gue Tied
The Meanies Drow­ning Tower
The Re­so­nars A Smi­le and a Pro­mi­se
Boo­gie Board Sta­ti­on

Sei­te B


Power­plant A Spi­ne
Erik Ner­vous Li­ving In The Woods
Cher­ry Cheeks Wa­ke Up
Tom­my and the Com­mies Im­pul­se Ac­tion
Ner­vous Tick and the Zip­per Lips Don’t Know Whe­re To Go
ISS Too Punk For Hea­vy Me­tal
Psy­chic Gra­vey­ard Hair­brush Mouth
Su­per Se­ni­or Too Much Te­qui­la
Eu­gh Don’t Trust Har­ry
Dee Bee Rich Loook
Dum­my On My Back
Ghoulies Un­pack Your Bags
The Li­qui­da­tors Mar­ried To Your Mind
Si­li­co­ne Prai­rie Ozone Day
Shark Toys Fu­ture
Tau­lard Fo­mo
Sweet Re­a­per Fas­ter Ge­ta­way
The Year­ners Red Au­ra
Va­guess Fen­ces
Germ House Blunt Ob­jects