Brin­ging back the tape in mix­tape. Weil ich es über's Jahr nicht so wirk­lich auf die Rei­he be­kom­men hab, re­gel­mä­ßi­gen Nach­schub an Misch­kas­set­ten zu lie­fern, gibt's da­für kurz vor Jah­res­en­de gleich drei auf ein­mal. Eins mit ty­pi­scher Kost nach 12­XU-Norm. Ein flau­schi­ges Power­pop-Tape. Und als pas­sen­des Ge­gen­gift noch ein sehr kratz­bürs­ti­ges Ex­em­plar, dem du bes­ser nicht blöd kommst. Dann kann ich für die­ses Jahr we­nigs­tens sa­gen: vier hab ich ge­schafft.

Verspannungskassette #2 (C-90)

Sei­te A

(FLAC via


Pro­to Idi­ot - Sit Back, Re­lax, En­joy
Neu­trals - I Can Do That
Hu­man Beat - Punc­tu­al Punks
Austeri­ty - Her­ded
Over­ti­me - De­hy­dra­ti­on
Ba­sic Hu­man - Shame
San­dré - Po­tu
Ku­mus­ta - Car
2 Stro­ke - Cri­sis, Cri­sis
Emer­gen­cy Cont­act - Buil­dings
Rank/​Xerox - Crad­le of Life
Spray Paint - Loo­king For Work
Big­pig - Eyes
Trash­dog - ADHDEMON
The Ni­co Mis­sile - Put It On The Ta­ble
Den­nis - Kni­ves
Cat Scan - Com­mo­di­ties
Ura­ni­um Club - Two Things At On­ce (Part 1)
The Cow­boy - Swim­ming wi­th the Fi­shies
Pist Idi­ots - Mo­tor Run­nin

Sei­te B

(FLAC via


Pe­n­an­ce Hall - Co­ver­ed In Shit
Nick Nor­mal - Win­dows Pain­ted Shut
Iso­la­ti­on - Shift
Mi­ni Skirt - Pret­ty
Pat­ti - Co­lor Kill
Ukry­te Za­le­ty Sys­temu - Swi­at Ma Ksz­talt
Lost Sys­tem - Sta­te Of Rea­li­ty
Gam­ma World - Mid­night Sni­per
Acrylics - Ha­ze
Ar­se - Pres­su­re Test
John (timestwo) - Dog Wal­ker
The Missed - Tel­lu­ri­an Mista­ke
Dee Bee Rich - Vo­mit
Pri­son Af­fair - Mas­tur­ba­ti­on
Crown Moul­ding - On The House
Ci­vic - Vel­vet Ca­si­no
B Boys - On Re­peat
Ex-Gold - Red Light
Ed­dy Cur­rent Sup­pres­si­on Ring - Hu­man Race

Entspannungskassette #1 (C-60)

Sei­te A

(FLAC via


Mick Trou­ble - He's Frank
Sob Sto­ries - Dan­ny Reed
Lost Bal­loons - Feed the Pain
Scup­per - Pass Me By
Opos­sums - Pro­mi­ses
Woo­len Men - Brick Ho­ri­zon
Le­gen­da­ry Wings - Wea­ther Ad­vi­so­ry
Bed Wet­tin' Bad Boys - Pla­s­tic Te­ars
Warm So­da - I Don't Wan­na Grow Up
Va­guess - A Long Time
Vi­tal Id­les - Se­conds
Chro­no­pha­ge - Wed­ding

Sei­te B

(FLAC via


The Re­so­nars - The Gol­den Age
Ali­en No­se­job - Peo­p­le Stairs
Chook Race - At Your Door
Seab­li­te - He­art Moun­tain
Omi Pa­lo­ne - Vo­id
The Love­birds - Streets of Ra­ge
The Per­si­an Le­aps - About Your Re­cord
Land­li­nes - Si­gns Of Life
EggS - I Fell In Love
Ra­dio­ac­ti­vi­ty - Sleep
Wire­heads - The Over­view Ef­fect

Verspannungskassette #3 (C-60)

Sei­te A (Rot)

(FLAC via


Neo­ty­pes - Ban­ned in Ham­mond (Live)
Ex­po­se - Mo­ti­ve
Ske­le­ton Glove - Gim­me Gim­me Cho­co­la­te
The Dorks - Sy­co­phant
(The) Li­quid As­sets (of Ot­ta­wa) - Mur­de­rer
Cells - My Gun
Ra­xil - Unknown Title
Mie­do - Bá­ja­te de tu nu­be.
Op­tic Ner­ve - Sni­per
Sick Head - Pis
Fos­ter Ca­re - Rack Brain
Dregs - Mar­fa Creep
Ubik - John Way­ne (is A Cow­boy (and Is On Twit­ter) )
Xe­nu & The The­tans - No Es Tu Cau­sa
Lux - Ac­tion
Warp - Sheet Ca­ke
Speed Plans - Hell House
Goon - Ain't Ri­te

Sei­te B (Schwarz)

(FLAC via


Fried e/​M - Un­tit­led 2
Dots - De­thro­ned
Big Hog - Big Hog
Rin­se - Pest Con­trol (song For Hell­strom)
Dry In­si­des - Dawn Of The Skull
Lead - The Bad Sleep Well
Glue - Dis­grace
Ali­en No­se­job - Bond Clean
The Uglies - To­ne De­af
Gut­ter Kni­fe - Ab­u­se of Power
Phy­si­que - The Rhythm Of Bru­ta­li­ty
Das Drip - Gym Rat
Temp­le Dogs - Ra­bies
Hwanza - 인간공장
Blue­print - Dis­gust
Ho­lo­gram - Si­mu­la­ti­on
Rat-Nip - NC
Ztu­ped - Th­re­at of De­ath
Con­so­la­ti­on - Head Down
An­nées Zé­ro - Rup­tu­re
Fuck­in' Lo­vers - Con­trol